This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Software request process ====== The following step-by-step guide defines the process, how a new software product is made available on BAUWELT computers. **Please request your software 3 weeks before you need it.** ===== Request the Software ===== - Check the [[|list]] of the currently installed software. - If the software is not listed or the version does not match your requirements, go to [[|Installed Software]] and click on "New Software Request +" to submit a request for each software product you need. - After you've requested the software we may get in contact with you to clarify further details and define the time plan for the installation of the software. ===== Test the Software ===== - After the new software product has been configured by us, we are going to deploy the new configuration to a group of test computers where you are asked to test the final setup. * Is the software working as expected, start, performance, basic operation? * Are all functions available to perform your course exercises or trainings? * Are possible example data loading correctly or can they be imported correctly? \\ <wrap hi>If we require your expertise in configuring the software or need your license information, we will reach out to you at this stage.</wrap> ===== Software Rollout ===== - After a successful testing phase, we will install the software on all BAUWELT computers. - Starting from now, students can use the software product.