===== Testing the software from request ===== You must be on the ETH network to test the software. If you want to test from external you have to create a VPN connection. This would be described here: [[doc:howto:instructor:remote-access:index|]] Please start Remote Desktop Connection and connect to one of the following machines (If the PC is occupied by another user, then take the next): * bw-test-01 * bw-test-02 {{:doc:howto:instructor:remote-access:6.png?400|}} {{:doc:howto:instructor:remote-access:7.png?400|}} They are then connected to the test machine. Please test your software and log off after testing. In the email you received, there is a link to the software request, where you can confirm the test successful or unsuccessful. As long as you do not confirm this, it will remain on the same status. **Please close the remote desktop connection correctly,\\ otherwise the PC is not available for other users during several hours!** **To close the connection correctly:** * Open the Start Menu * Click the user icon on the top-left corner * and choose **Sign out** in the menu.