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How to perform a course

The following checklist should help you to perform a course in one of the BAUWELT computer labs. Please follow these steps:

1. Check the software requirements

  • Check the list of the installed programs to make sure all user applications are available on the BAUWELT computers.
    Please carefully review the exact software version to match your course requirements.
  • In case you need additional software products installed for your course or in case you need a different version, use the Software Request Form to report us your needs.
    Please note that any new software must be reported at least 3 weeks before the exercises start.
  • Carefully read the documentation of the process for new software products to get details about the steps to take.

2. Book the room

  • Very helpful would be if you already know how many students attends to your course or estimate how many can be expected.
  • If no number is available the available seats of the appropriate computer lab limit the number of attendees.
  • The topic Computer Rooms gives you information about the amount of seats/workstations and the equipment, that is available in the rooms.
  • If your course is taking place during the semester time you need to announce your course to the related Study Administration Office to coordinate your course with the study time tables.
  • If your course is taking place during the semester break you can directly book your desired room in our room booking system.
    Please note that VPN is required to access this site outside of the ETH network.

3. Provide course working data

  • You can provide course data that is accessible on drive U: on all BAUWELT windows workstations. For this read the topic Data Storage Server.
  • In case you need a directory to collect results from your students, please request a project directory which is available on drive P: on all BAUWELT windows workstations.

4. Dry-run and prepare your course

  • It is highly recommended that you fully check that all requirements for your course are fulfilled in the room that has been booked.
  • In case you depend on the beamer or screen installed on the room, please check whether you can connect your laptop with the provided video cable.
  • If you need to be able to lock down the course room (during breaks and class changes) please contact us to checkout a temporary key.
    Please lock the doors only during your reservation period.
    If you need to lock the room in advance, extend the the reservation period appropriately.
  • In case of a problem simply contact us.